
What Govees Dislike About Contractors

Do you believe your interface with govees ever ruffles a few feathers? 

To some it is obvious, to others not so, but I believe we could all take a refresher course in Contractor-to-Government Interface 101.  

Let’s get down to the nuts and bolts; no preamble.  Govees get upset at contractors for:

      • Arriving for a meeting late

      • Not effectively using the time allocated for a meeting; not getting to the “Ask” quickly

      • Asking ”What keeps you up at night?”

      • Asking how they can be helpful rather than having ideas about how to be of assistance

      • Not being prepared for a meeting; not taking the time to understand the client or their challenges

        • Showing up for a meeting not having a clue as to what your agency does or the role of your organization -- which means the contactor asks a lot of dumb questions that waste time

        • Lacking a clear value proposition for their company -- what separates/ differentiates them from their peers?

        • Trying to apply a “cookie cutter” approach to address unique agency problems and issues

      • Asking a question but not listening to the answer

      • Having the answer to your problem without understanding the problem

      • Selling-Selling-Selling with little consideration for what the problem/challenge is

      • Going through their “ILOVEME” presentation deck, one slide at a time

      • Not understanding federal processes

      • Being vain:  

          • “I’d like you to help me understand how your agency can use my product.”

          • “Can you help me understand your agency?”

          • “I’d like to understand your priorities.”

Contractor performance after contract award:

        • Showing up with the “B” Team, not the bid team, commonly termed bait-and-switch

      • Low bidding to win the program then working from the first day of the contract to get whole

        • Having more attorneys than delivery personnel attend a meeting.

What Contractors Dislike About Govees

OK, OK.  Perhaps there are some things govees do that irritate contractors.  These include:

  • Arriving for a meeting late

  • Cancelling a meeting the morning of the meeting, when out-of-town attendees are present

  • Substituting someone else for the meeting

  • Not paying attention during the meeting

  • Looking at their watch often; excusing themselves and leaving the meeting early

  • Not taking notes allowing the perception the meeting has little to no value

  • Not looking at or even feigning interest in pre-read materials

  • Excusing themselves when their EA enters the room and whispers in their ear, no doubt a prearranged activity to rid themselves of those across the table.

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